Quad Bike Safari Corporate Events
We have 20 bikes we can take out per tour but depending on your numbers and requirements we can incorporate a bike ride with different activities splitting you into groups of 20 people max and rotating through the activities ( 1 hour per activity ). Please see below for examples.

For Groups 10 - 20 people
We will incorporate the bike ride with one other activity, approx 1 hour per activity
Sample itinerary- 10:00am 1 hour safari
11:00am 1 hour archery
12:00noon Finish approx
Price $234 per person
For groups over 20 people
We will incorporate the bike ride with different activities, splitting you into groups of 20 people and rotating through the activities. Approx 1 hour per activity
Sample itinerary for 54 people (3 groups of 18)- 8.30am Start and safety briefing
Group 1 Quad Bike ride
Group 2 Target shooting
Group 3 Volleyball
9.30am Rotation
10.30am Rotation
11:30am Approx finish time of activities
Groups of 60 - 200 people
- Quad Bike ride
Up to 8 other activities depending on numbers (checklist)
1 hour each activity
Contact us for more information
List of activities that can be included:
Moat challenge | Team building |
Archery | Individual |
Target shooting | Individual |
The 3D web | Team building |
Volley ball | Team building |
3 legged soccer | Team building |
Blindfolded human sheep herding | Team building |
Petanque | Team building |
- Clay bird shooting $65.00 per person
- B.B.Q lunch/dinner available upon request
For groups over 200
We can run continuously all day in a carnival situation and would be happy to talk you through our programs and discuss other activities.
Prices and times may vary at our discretion.
Contact us for more information